Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Veggie Snack Packs

You know how some people carry around a gallon jug of water with them all day to remind themselves to drink water and so they can always see how close they are to hitting their one gallon per day goal? Well, I’ve been doing that with vegetables. I pack up these easy and convenient Veggie Snack Packs at the beginning of the week and challenge myself to eat one per day. They’re always there, ready to go, and staring at me every single time I open the fridge. 👀

This idea is nothing new, but since I’m guessing most of you don’t live with your parents anymore and don’t have your mom nagging you to eat your veggies every day, consider this post as me doing it for her. EAT YOUR VEGETABLES! ;)

Four glass meal prep bowls made into veggie snack packs with ranch dressing, broccoli, tomatoes, and carrots.

And no, I usually don’t just sit down and eat the entire bowl in one sitting. I eat a little before each meal to offset my appetite, and a little more any other time I’m feelin’ snacky! 

DIY Vegetable Trays

I’m always tempted to buy those pre-made vegetable trays at the grocery so I can have some healthy snacks on hand. But I never actually pull the trigger because when I flip them over to look a the price it makes me just about faint right there in the produce aisle. Even the smallest trays are like, eight bucks. Excuse me? No ma’am. 

So the other reason I wanted to post about these veggie snack packs is to highlight just how much you’re being upcharged for someone to simply put vegetables in a container for you. These four large veggie snack packs (I have ambitious vegetable goals) are probably close in total size to one of the party-sized vegetable trays at the store, and they only cost me about $6 and maybe 10 minutes of my time, including making my own dressing.

Options for Veggie Snack Packs

In my veggie snack packs this week I included fresh broccoli, grape tomatoes, baby carrots, and my Homemade Ranch Dressing. I switch up my vegetables and dressings each week to make sure I get variety in nutrients and don’t burn out. Here are some other ideas for your veggie snack packs:

Closed containers full of veggie snack packs, stacked in sets of two

What Containers are Best for Veggie Snack Packs?

Don’t let containers be a barrier between you and your veggie snack packs. Use whatever you have as long as it gets you to actually try pre-packing your vegetable snacks. You don’t have to have the “perfect” or special containers, just use anything that works. I will say that having the dressing pre-portioned into little cups just makes it that much easier and removes one more barrier between me and eating my vegetables, so I encourage you to portion out your dip or dressing as well.

The containers I use are my 4-cup Pyrex bowls (affiliate link), and these little 2.5 oz. metal dipping cups (affiliate link), which fit nicely in the bowls and have their own little lids. And just as a reminder, you can always find the meal prep containers, kitchen equipment, appliances, and gadgets that I use in my Amazon shop.


Veggie Snack Packs

Make healthy snacking fast, easy, and hard to ignore with pre-packed veggie snack packs! Change up the vegetables and dressing each week for variety.

  • 1 lb. baby carrots ($1.49)
  • 2 crowns fresh broccoli, cut into florets ($1.69)
  • 1 pint grape tomatoes ($1.69)
  • 1 cup homemade ranch dressing ($1.02)
  1. Place the dressing cups in the center of your meal prep containers and fill each with about 1/4 cup dressing.

  2. Divide the vegetables between the four containers, packing them in around the dressing cups.

  3. Refrigerate the veggie snack packs up to 5 days.

So tell me, do you pre-pack your vegetable snacks? What is your favorite combo? Have you found any other tricks that make it easier for you to get your vegetables in every day? Share your tips and techniques with the rest of us in the comments below!

Front view of glass bowl veggie snack packs with ranch dressing, broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes.

The post Veggie Snack Packs appeared first on Budget Bytes.

from Budget Bytes

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