Friday, 3 May 2019

Optimal Storage Arbitrage under Net Metering using Linear Programming. (arXiv:1905.00418v1 [cs.SY])

We formulate the optimal energy arbitrage problem for a piecewise linear cost function for energy storage devices using linear programming (LP). The LP formulation is based on the equivalent minimization of the epigraph. This formulation considers ramping and capacity constraints, charging and discharging efficiency losses of the storage, inelastic consumer load and local renewable generation in presence of net-metering which facilitates selling of energy to the grid and incentivizes consumers to install renewable generation and energy storage. We consider the case where the consumer loads, electricity prices, and renewable generations at different instances are uncertain. These uncertain quantities are predicted using an Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) model and used in a model predictive control (MPC) framework to obtain the arbitrage decision at each instance.

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