Monday, 22 April 2019

Distribution LMP-based Transactive Day-ahead Market with Variable Renewable Generation. (arXiv:1904.08998v1 [cs.SY])

The largescale penetration of variable renewable energy (VRE) and their generation uncertainties poses a major challenge for the distribution system operator (DSO) to efficiently determine the day-ahead real and reactive power distribution locational marginal prices (DLMPs) and their underlying components. In this paper, we propose a DLMP-based transactive day-ahead market (DAM) model, that in addition to energy and losses, determines prices for creating congestions and voltage violations under peak-load and large-scale stochastic VRE penetration conditions. To account for the VRE uncertainties and the effect of their large-scale penetration on the DLMP components and distributed energy resources' (DERs) schedules, we propose a novel data-driven probability efficient point (PEP) method that computes the optimal total VRE generation at different confidence (risk) levels to incorporate in the proposed transactive DAM model. We perform a wide range of simulation studies on a modified IEEE 69-node system to validate the proposed methods and demonstrate the effect of peak load conditions, large-scale VRE penetration, and inclusion of battery energy storage systems (BESS) on the resulting positive or negative real and reactive power DLMPs and their components.

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