Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Adapted Decimation on Finite Frames for Arbitrary Orders of Sigma-Delta Quantization. (arXiv:1902.05976v1 [cs.IT])

In Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, signal decimation has been proven to greatly improve the efficiency of data storage while maintaining high accuracy. When one couples signal decimation with the $\Sigma\Delta$ quantization scheme, the reconstruction error decays exponentially with respect to the bit-rate. We build on our previous result, which extends signal decimation to finite frames, albeit only up to the second order. In this study, we introduce a new scheme called adapted decimation, which yields polynomial reconstruction error decay rate of arbitrary order with respect to the oversampling rate, and exponential with respect to the bit-rate.

from cs updates on arXiv.org http://bit.ly/2V3yLpd

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