Monday, 12 November 2018

Local-Encoding-Preserving Secure Network Coding---Part II: Flexible Rate and Security Level. (arXiv:1811.02390v1 [cs.IT])

In the two-part paper, we consider the problem of secure network coding when the information rate and the security level can change over time. To efficiently solve this problem, we put forward local-encoding-preserving secure network coding, where a family of secure linear network codes (SLNCs) is called local-encoding-preserving (LEP) if all the SLNCs in this family share a common local encoding kernel at each intermediate node in the network. In this paper (Part II), we first consider the design of a family of LEP SLNCs for a fixed rate and a flexible security level. We present a novel and efficient approach for constructing upon an SLNC that exists an LEP SLNC with the same rate and the security level increased by one. Next, we consider the design of a family of LEP SLNCs for a fixed dimension (equal to the sum of rate and security level) and a flexible pair of rate and security level. We propose another novel approach for designing an SLNC such that the same SLNC can be applied for all the rate and security-level pairs with the fixed dimension. Also, two polynomial-time algorithms are developed for efficient implementations of our two approaches, respectively. Furthermore, we prove that both approaches do not incur any penalty on the required field size for the existence of SLNCs in terms of the best known lower bound by Guang and Yeung. Finally, we consider the ultimate problem of designing a family of LEP SLNCs that can be applied to all possible pairs of rate and security level. By combining the construction of a family of LEP SLNCs for a fixed security level and a flexible rate (obtained in Part I) with the constructions of the two families of LEP SLNCs in the current paper in suitable ways, we can obtain a family of LEP SLNCs that can be applied for all possible pairs of rate and security level. Three possible such constructions are presented.

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