Friday, 30 November 2018

Ado\c{c}\~ao de Social CRM em Micro e Pequenas Empresas: Uma An\'alise do Mercado Santareno. (arXiv:1811.11821v1 [cs.CY])

Online social networks have changed the ways of communication and social interactions, especially in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In this sense, a new concept about business strategies involving CRM and social media has aroused, known as Social Customer Relationship Management. Despite to be an emergent and promising research field, it was perceived that Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) have shown few or no process of Social CRM implemented. Aiming to test this hypothesis, this work conducts a market analysis in Santar\'em City, located in the Par\'a State, evaluating the adoption of Social CRM by MSE. The main contribution of this study is related to the understanding of the dynamics between Social CRM and MSE. As results, the construction of insights' list of products and solutions suitable for the implementation of Social CRM by MSE, with the potential to guide research and development projects in this area.

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