Monday, 3 September 2018

Speaker Fluency Level Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques. (arXiv:1808.10556v1 [stat.ML])

Level assessment for foreign language students is necessary for putting them in the right level group, furthermore, interviewing students is a very time-consuming task, so we propose to automate the evaluation of speaker fluency level by implementing machine learning techniques. This work presents an audio processing system capable of classifying the level of fluency of non-native English speakers using five different machine learning models. As a first step, we have built our own dataset, which consists of labeled audio conversations in English between people ranging in different fluency domains/classes (low, intermediate, high). We segment the audio conversations into 5s non-overlapped audio clips to perform feature extraction on them. We start by extracting Mel cepstral coefficients from the audios, selecting 20 coefficients is an appropriate quantity for our data. We thereafter extracted zero-crossing rate, root mean square energy and spectral flux features, proving that this improves model performance. Out of a total of 1424 audio segments, with 70% training data and 30% test data, one of our trained models (support vector machine) achieved a classification accuracy of 94.39%, whereas the other four models passed an 89% classification accuracy threshold.

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