Monday 23 July 2018

Congressman Who Introduced ‘Abolish ICE’ Bill Won’t Comment on Crime by Illegal Immigrants

The Wisconsin congressman who introduced the “abolish ICE” bill admitted he would vote against it during an appearance Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” while also declining to comment on crime committed by illegal immigrants.

The bill from Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., co-sponsored by nine other Democrats, was designed to dismantle U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Congress created the agency in 2003 to amp up security at the border and prevent illegal immigrants entering the country.


President Donald Trump has said he opposes abolishing ICE, tweeting that it will “mean more crime in our country.”

“What would you do about illegals who get busted for DUI [if] there’s no ICE?” Carlson asked Pocan. “Do they get to stay? What happens, specifically, in that case?”

Pocan refused to answer, seemingly having no prospective solution in mind, and instead pivoted to the issue of family separations. He said that reunifying children separated from their illegal immigrant parents at the border should be the priority.

A majority of voters, 54 percent, support the federal government continuing to fund ICE, while 21 percent of voters are undecided, according to a Politico/Morning Consult poll on July 11. Those who support abolishing ICE, 25 percent, identify as Democrats.

Editor’s note: The House passed a nonbinding resolution Wednesday backing ICE and denouncing calls by some Democratic lawmakers and progressive activists to abolish it, NBC News and other media outlets reported.

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