Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Morse Theory and an Impossibility Theorem for Graph Clustering. (arXiv:1806.06142v1 [cs.LG])

Kleinberg introduced three natural clustering properties, or axioms, and showed they cannot be simultaneously satisfied by any clustering algorithm. We present a new clustering property, Monotonic Consistency, which avoids the well-known problematic behaviour of Kleinberg's Consistency axiom, and the impossibility result. Namely, we describe a clustering algorithm, Morse Clustering, inspired by Morse Theory in Differential Topology, which satisfies Kleinberg's original axioms with Consistency replaced by Monotonic Consistency. Morse clustering uncovers the underlying flow structure on a set or graph and returns a partition into trees representing basins of attraction of critical vertices. We also generalise Kleinberg's axiomatic approach to sparse graphs, showing an impossibility result for Consistency, and a possibility result for Monotonic Consistency and Morse clustering.

from cs updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2li8bsH

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