Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Area Rate Evaluation based on Spatial Clustering of massive MIMO Channel Measurements. (arXiv:1804.05885v1 [cs.IT])

Channel models for massive MIMO are typically based on matrices with complex Gaussian entries, extended by the Kronecker and Weichselberger model. One reason for observing a gap between modeled and actual channel behavior is the absence of spatial consistency in many such models, that is, spatial correlations over an area in the x, y-dimensions are not accounted for, making it difficult to study, e.g., area-throughput measures. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can distinguish between regions of non-line-of-sight (NLoS) and line-of-sight (LoS) via a rank-metric criterion combined with a spiral search. With a k-means clustering algorithm a throughput per region (i.e., cluster) can be calculated, leading to what we refer to as "area-throughput". For evaluating the proposed orthogonality clustering scheme we use a simple filtered MIMO channel model which is spatially consistent, with known degrees of freedom. Moreover, we employ actual (spatially consistent) area channel measurements based on spatial sampling using a spider antenna and show that the proposed algorithm can be used to estimate the degrees of freedom, and, subsequently, the number of users that maximizes the throughput per square meter.

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