Saturday, 7 April 2018

A PTAS for subset TSP in minor-free graphs. (arXiv:1804.01588v1 [cs.DS])

We give the first polynomial time approximation scheme for the subset Traveling Salesperson Problem (subset TSP) in $H$-minor-free graphs. Our main technical contribution is a polynomial time algorithm that, given an edge-weighted $H$-minor-free graph $G$ and a set of $k$ terminals $T$, finds a subgraph of $G$ with weight at most $O_H(\mathrm{poly}(\frac{1}{\epsilon}) \log k)$ times the weight of the minimum Steiner tree for $T$ that preserves pairwise distances between terminals up to $(1+\epsilon)$ factor. This is the first such spanner for $H$-minor-free graphs. Given this spanner, we use the contraction decomposition of Demaine, Hajiaghayi and Kawarabayashi to obtain a PTAS for the subset TSP problem. Our PTAS generalizes PTASes for the same problem by Klein for planar graphs and by Borradaile, Demaine and Tazari for bounded genus graphs.

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