Friday, 12 January 2018

Finite Blocklength and Dispersion Bounds for the Arbitrarily-Varying Channel. (arXiv:1801.03594v1 [cs.IT])

Finite blocklength and second-order (dispersion) results are presented for the arbitrarily-varying channel (AVC), a classical model wherein an adversary can transmit arbitrary signals into the channel. A novel finite blocklength achievability bound is presented, roughly analogous to the random coding union bound for non-adversarial channels. This finite blocklength bound, along with a known converse bound, is used to derive bounds on the dispersion of discrete memoryless AVCs without shared randomness, and with cost constraints on the input and the state. These bounds are tight for many channels of interest, including the binary symmetric AVC. However, the bounds are not tight if the deterministic and random code capacities differ.

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