Donald Trump will demand China stop its “predatory” trade policy or face the consequences during his Asia tour this week in a row that threatens to overshadow the visit. The White House briefed journalists that the US President will send a “clear message’ for China to stop undermining US companies by giving state support to its own firms. A senior official said China had backed off from free market economics in recent years and warned “long term” trade relations were at risk unless there was a reversal. The tough message risks undermining efforts to build support in the region for increased pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear programme. It also opens up the US president – who has adopted an “America First” agenda – to charges of hypocrisy during a diplomatic blitz that is being closely scrutinised at home. Mr Trump’s Asian “marathon” will see him visit no fewer than five nations in 11 days – the longest overseas trip of his presidency so far. U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump scatter flower petals in the water at the USS Arizona Memorial in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S. Credit: JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERS On the agenda is cementing support of the “Indo-Pacific”, a sphere of influence including Japan, India and Australia that America hopes can rival China’s power in the region. Before heading to Air Force One on Friday, Mr Trump lauded the “good will” he had built up with leaders in Asia since taking office. But behind the scenes, aides are nervous. Mr Trump is said not to enjoy travelling, often ensuring he was back in his Trump Tower bed after campaign outings last year. The tour – which will take in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines – was originally envisioned as two separate trips, but has been combined. The last president to visit Asia for so long was George H W Bush in 1991. It ended with him vomiting on the Japanese prime minister and collapsing with flu. The White House is reportedly scrambling to make sure Mr Trump, whose culinary experimentation rarely goes beyond well-done steak, is put at ease. "No whole fish with the heads still on, nothing too spicy," is the message to hosts according to one insider quoted by CNN. So too is energy being spent on ensuring Mr Trump is across the intricacies of Southeast Asian politics, not least Rodrigo Duterte, the strong-man leader of the Philippines. Trump tour For their part, other leaders have rolled out the red carpet. In Japan, golf with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and professional player Hideki Matsuyama beckons, while in China there will be a tour of the Forbidden City. Mr Trump stopped in Hawaii ahead of the trip alongside his wife Melania, with both presented with the traditional lei flower chain on Friday as they disembarked. The pair visited Pearl Harbor, where 2,300 US fighters died in the surprise 1941 attack that took America into the Second World War, and scattered flower petals as a mark of respect. Adorned with lei, President Donald Trump walks with first lady Melania Trump Credit: Jamm Aquino North Korea will be the obvious focal point of the tour. Mr Trump is seeking allies in an escalating war of words with “rocket man” Kim Jong-un, the regime’s young leader. The President will find his closest allies in Japan. Mr Abe is a Conservative hawk who favours confronting Pyongyang – a resolve which has hardened since Mr Kim fired two missiles over Japanese territory in the summer. China must provide fair and reciprocal treatment to U.S. firms and cease predatory trade and investment practicesSenior US administration official South Korean President Moon Jae-in initially sought to reach out for negotiations with the North after being elected in May, but has seen tensions ratchet up as a response. Mr Trump wants China, North Korea’s biggest supporter, to cut off economic ties. However the Chinese president Xi Jinping is said to fear what would follow if the regime collapsed. A hard line on trade may not help. A senior US administration official said this week: “The visit will send a clear message that, for bilateral economic relations to be sustainable over the long term, China must provide fair and reciprocal treatment to U.S. firms and cease predatory trade and investment practices.” The frustration is that US companies are not getting “fair access” to China’s markets due to state support, exacerbating the $300 billion trade deficit that infuriates Mr Trump. Wilbur Ross, the US secretary of commerce, is travelling to hammer home the point, while 29 chief executives will be in Beijing ready to sign billions of dollars of deals. But the response looks set to be firm resistance. Beijing said ahead of the visit that China never “intentionally pursued a trade surplus” with the US. US war with North Korea 'a real possibility' 01:23 Some in the country argue it is US regulations limiting access to certain technologies that have curbed free trade, making it more difficult for Chinese companies to import in those sectors. Bai Ming, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said recently: “If the US wants to balance trade, it should also do its part and show sincerity, rather than blaming China.” Mr Trump's domestic woes will also contrast with the strengthening power base of those he is meeting. While the US president enjoys job approval from just 1 in 3 voters, Prime Minister Abe recently won re-election and President Xi was elevated to the same political status as Chairman Mao. Whatever the policy differences, The Trump Show’s entertainment factor appears to be as strong in Asia as elsewhere, if his daughter’s recent visit is any indication. Awaiting Ivanka Trump’s speech in Japan this week, four television channels reportedly broadcast an empty escalator in anticipation of her arrival. Ivanka Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Credit: REUTERS Commentators praised the “princess” for spending 20 minutes meditating in the morning and just eight on makeup. One studio even had its own Ivanka cut-out. That excitement may not translate into North Korean nuclear abandonment. But on Mr Trump’s favourite metric, TV ratings, the trip already seems destined for success.
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